Sponsors - we are very grateful to our sponsors who have supported the club and field development.
Community Bank Bacchus Marsh
Pacific Blue (Yaloak South Wind Farm)
Moorabool Wind Farm
Thompson Brothers Earth Works
Geoff Burke Earth Works
Bacchus Marsh Farm Supplies
Hine Signs
Kingtech Turbines
Coles (Bacchus Marsh & Melton) Supermarkets
Victorian Model Aircraft Association (VMAA)
Model Aircraft Association of Australia (MAAA)
General and Annual General Meeting - December 2021
After another arduous pandemic year, we were finally able to hold the club's AGM in December 2021. This year, the clubman of the year award went to Trevor Fuller for his generous support and continued effort for the club.
The 2021 committee was re-elected for 2022 and will continue its program of field development. In 2021 we deployed a third water tank, and were successful with a grant (Pacific Hydro) to enhance our runway watering system with an automated, above ground irrigation system. There is plenty to do in 2022!